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New Agenda on Sunday. is out! Edition of 13th August 2017

Good morning everyone.

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The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countries engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong,have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries,demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing.
Read the complete item at:

Image result for grenfell tower less than 15% donations paid out

Grenfell Tower continues to reveal scandals of the "authorities" handling the disater fund and the inept "assistance" provided by local councils and charities. Two months after the disasterous fire of June 14th. less than £3 million of the £19 million donated by the pulic has been distributed to the victims. It is common knowledge that the adminstration costs and salaries for the "Charities" managing the funds is significant, but it is stretching the bounds of belief that the public contributed their donations in order to fund the salary and bonus pots for some CEO's. Another scandalous state of affairs to add to the fact that two months after the disaster, only 14 familes from Grenfell Tower have been rehoused. A shameful indictment of the "system"and a disgraceful reflection of the contempt shown towards the residents and victims.

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Glen Travis Campbell (April 1936 – August 2017) was an American singer, songwriter, musician, television host, and actor. Never a great favourite of mine as I have never been fond of "Country" music, but I know he was well liked, had a large following and will be missed by many.
One particular track he recorded did not find its way into my collection, but I quite liked it. (copy and paste link)

Glen Campbell R I P

Meanwhile, back in Jersey.
The "Battle of he Flowers" now called just "Battle", took place on Thursday with St Clement winning the Post Prix d’Honneur with their float Aquaria at the Thursday day parade and St. Peter winning the Moonlight Carnival Atmosphere, over 25, with their St Peter’s Drive Thru float on Fridyay evening. 

Image result for Prix D'Honneur – PARISH OF ST CLEMENT – Aquaria
 Prix D’Honneur St Clement - Aquaria

Image result for Moonlight Carnival Atmosphere, over 25, with their St Peter’s Drive Thru float
Moonlight Carnival Atmosphere,  St Peter’s Drive Thru float
As usual, all the floats were quite stunning and there are photographs in the Jersey Evening Post ( copy and paste link.We have not been to Jersey, (or anywhere else) this year, but we can enjoy the photographs.

Image result for Independent Jersey Care Inquiry no protection for politicians who lie

Following the recent Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and publication of the findings into historic child abuse at Haute de la Garrenne and other places on the island, a law which protects politicians from being prosecuted for lying to official inquiries could be changed as part of an overhaul of the rules on parliamentary privilege. If it happens it is not before time.

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Despite all the threats to the contrary, it remains cold and occasionally wet. The weather predictors keep promising high pressure and warm sunny wather and as an eternal optimist, my fans remain not switched on but strategically placed around the house just in case.

Have a nice week



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