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Leaders of countries are usually sane and rational people.

North Korea has dismissed Donald Trump’s warning of “fire and fury” if it threatened the United States as a “load of nonsense”.

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The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.
The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countres engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong, have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries, demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing. On the one hand Trump lurches between one ill fated "policy"decision to another, dismissing people from positions to which they were appointed by him only weeks or even days before, embroiled in an on going "election influencing" scandal with Russia, creating"incidents" with women at home and abroad and reducing his relationship with the media nationally and internationally to one of open hostility. Add to this Trump's Foreign policy disasters, culmimating now with this potentially catastrophic altercation with North Korea. KimJong-Un seems equally as "unballanced" as Trump according to what scant information we can obtain from reasonably reliable sources. 

Image result for north korean state television news caster

The hysterical and hysterically animated "news caster"on North Korean State television can hardly be counted upon to provide anything other than repetition of a carefully scripted text originating from some government office in Pyongyang. We can however see the reality of the parades of goose stepping troops, the endless missile and gun carrying vehicles and the launching of missiles from pads and silos around the country.

Image result for north korean military parade 2017

Image result for north korean military parade 2017

Over recent weeks, both Trump and Jong-Un have painted themselves into acorner. With their bellicose threats, hostile rhetoric and provocative actions they now have few if any options to avoid open hostilites. They must, probably within days, agree to hold full scale negotiations with no pre conditions on all aspects of their differences and each withdraw the threats made to date against the other side. The Korean War of 1950-1953 has never been ended and only a fragile armistice rmainsin place, as no final peaceful settlement has ever ben agreed. The Korean peninsula hovers on the brink of another even more destructive conflict than the war.  No country can indefinatly issue ultimatums to another country and then fail to carry out any form of miltary action in support of such ultimatum. The alternatives are either fight or face humiliation in the eyes of the world and lose any credibility in futre foreign policy adventures.This is the stark reality when individuals are propled by one means or another,into positions of power, for which they are neither qualified nor capable of filling.Leaders of countries are for the most part sane and rational people. Donald John Trump and Kim Jong-Un are palpable exceptions to this generality and we, the ordinary people of this small planet may yet have to pay the ultimate price.

The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countres engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong,have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries,demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing. On the one hand Trump lurches between one ill fated "policy"decision toanother, dismissing people from positions to which they were appointed by him only weeks or even days before, embroiled in an on going "election influencing" scandal with Russia, creating"incidents" with women at home and abroad and reducing his relationship with the media nationally and internationally to one of open hostility. Add to this Trump's Foreign policy disasters, culmimating now with this potentially catastrophic altercation with North Korea.
KimJong-Un seems equally as "unballanced" as Trump according to what scant information we can obtain from reasonably reliable sources. The hysterical and hysterically animated "news caster"on North Korean State television can hardly be counted upon to provide anything other than repetition of a carefully scripted text originating from some government office in Pyongyang. We can however see the reality of the parades of goose stepping troops, the endless missile and gun carrying vehicles and the launching of missiles from pads and silos around the country.
Over recent weeks, both Trump and Jong-Un have painted themselves into acorner. With their bellicose threats, hostile rhetoric and provocative actions they now have few if any options to avoid open hostilites. They must, probably within days, agree to hold full scale negotiations with no pre conditions on all aspects of their differences and each withdraw the threats made to date against the other side. The Korean War of 1950-1953 has never been ended and only a fragile armistice rmainsin place, as no final peaceful settlement has ever ben agreed. The Korean peninsula hovers on the brink of another even more destructive conflict than the war.  No country can indefinatly issue ultimatums to another country and then fail to carry out any form of miltary action in support of such ultimatum. The alternatives are either fight or face humiliation in the eyes of the world and lose any credibility in futre foreign policy adventures.
This is the stark reality when individuals are propled by one means or another,into positions of power, for which they are neither qualified nor capable of filling.
Leadersof countries are for the most part sane and rational people.Donald John Trump and Kim Jong-Un are palpable exceptions to this generality and we, the ordinary people of this small planet may yet have to pay the ultimate price.  

The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countres engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong,have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries,demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing. On the one hand Trump lurches between one ill fated "policy"decision toanother, dismissing people from positions to which they were appointed by him only weeks or even days before, embroiled in an on going "election influencing" scandal with Russia, creating"incidents" with women at home and abroad and reducing his relationship with the media nationally and internationally to one of open hostility. Add to this Trump's Foreign policy disasters, culmimating now with this potentially catastrophic altercation with North Korea.
KimJong-Un seems equally as "unballanced" as Trump according to what scant information we can obtain from reasonably reliable sources. The hysterical and hysterically animated "news caster"on North Korean State television can hardly be counted upon to provide anything other than repetition of a carefully scripted text originating from some government office in Pyongyang. We can however see the reality of the parades of goose stepping troops, the endless missile and gun carrying vehicles and the launching of missiles from pads and silos around the country.
Over recent weeks, both Trump and Jong-Un have painted themselves into acorner. With their bellicose threats, hostile rhetoric and provocative actions they now have few if any options to avoid open hostilites. They must, probably within days, agree to hold full scale negotiations with no pre conditions on all aspects of their differences and each withdraw the threats made to date against the other side. The Korean War of 1950-1953 has never been ended and only a fragile armistice rmainsin place, as no final peaceful settlement has ever ben agreed. The Korean peninsula hovers on the brink of another even more destructive conflict than the war.  No country can indefinatly issue ultimatums to another country and then fail to carry out any form of miltary action in support of such ultimatum. The alternatives are either fight or face humiliation in the eyes of the world and lose any credibility in futre foreign policy adventures.
This is the stark reality when individuals are propled by one means or another,into positions of power, for which they are neither qualified nor capable of filling.
Leadersof countries are for the most part sane and rational people.Donald John Trump and Kim Jong-Un are palpable exceptions to this generality and we, the ordinary people of this small planet may yet have to pay the ultimate price.  

The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.
The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countres engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong,have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries,demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing. On the one hand Trump lurches between one ill fated "policy"decision toanother, dismissing people from positions to which they were appointed by him only weeks or even days before, embroiled in an on going "election influencing" scandal with Russia, creating"incidents" with women at home and abroad and reducing his relationship with the media nationally and internationally to one of open hostility. Add to this Trump's Foreign policy disasters, culmimating now with this potentially catastrophic altercation with North Korea.
KimJong-Un seems equally as "unballanced" as Trump according to what scant information we can obtain from reasonably reliable sources. The hysterical and hysterically animated "news caster"on North Korean State television can hardly be counted upon to provide anything other than repetition of a carefully scripted text originating from some government office in Pyongyang. We can however see the reality of the parades of goose stepping troops, the endless missile and gun carrying vehicles and the launching of missiles from pads and silos around the country.
Over recent weeks, both Trump and Jong-Un have painted themselves into acorner. With their bellicose threats, hostile rhetoric and provocative actions they now have few if any options to avoid open hostilites. They must, probably within days, agree to hold full scale negotiations with no pre conditions on all aspects of their differences and each withdraw the threats made to date against the other side. The Korean War of 1950-1953 has never been ended and only a fragile armistice rmainsin place, as no final peaceful settlement has ever ben agreed. The Korean peninsula hovers on the brink of another even more destructive conflict than the war.  No country can indefinatly issue ultimatums to another country and then fail to carry out any form of miltary action in support of such ultimatum. The alternatives are either fight or face humiliation in the eyes of the world and lose any credibility in futre foreign policy adventures.
This is the stark reality when individuals are propled by one means or another,into positions of power, for which they are neither qualified nor capable of filling.
Leadersof countries are for the most part sane and rational people.Donald John Trump and Kim Jong-Un are palpable exceptions to this generality and we, the ordinary people of this small planet may yet have to pay the ultimate price.  
The posturing, sabre rattling and threats rebounding around the world from Kim Jong-Un in Pyongyang and Donald John Trump in Washington, is becoming increasingly more like a playground spat between two schoolboys. This childish performance has all the characteristics of the junior quad squabbles with each shouting that theirs is the biggest, that they can hit harder than the other followed by the "No you can't", "Yes I can" stupidity. Such exchanges are invariably created only to impress the assembled audience and establish some sort of hierarchial structure in the playground.
The problem for the rest of us, is that this current round of threat and counter threat, is being waged by the leaders of two countries which both possess nuclear weapons, and also have a considerable arsenal of conventional weaponary. In other instances, we could take some small comfort from the fact that the "leaders" of countres engaged in such confrontations are sane and rational people. Kennedy and Khrushchev, Obama and Putin even Truman and Mao Zedong,have for the most part managed to keep emotions and hostility under some degree of control. Not so the case with Trump and Jong-Un who have both, since assuming office in their respective countries,demonstrated behaviour and attitudes which many view as disturbing. On the one hand Trump lurches between one ill fated "policy"decision toanother, dismissing people from positions to which they were appointed by him only weeks or even days before, embroiled in an on going "election influencing" scandal with Russia, creating"incidents" with women at home and abroad and reducing his relationship with the media nationally and internationally to one of open hostility. Add to this Trump's Foreign policy disasters, culmimating now with this potentially catastrophic altercation with North Korea.
KimJong-Un seems equally as "unballanced" as Trump according to what scant information we can obtain from reasonably reliable sources. The hysterical and hysterically animated "news caster"on North Korean State television can hardly be counted upon to provide anything other than repetition of a carefully scripted text originating from some government office in Pyongyang. We can however see the reality of the parades of goose stepping troops, the endless missile and gun carrying vehicles and the launching of missiles from pads and silos around the country.
Over recent weeks, both Trump and Jong-Un have painted themselves into acorner. With their bellicose threats, hostile rhetoric and provocative actions they now have few if any options to avoid open hostilites. They must, probably within days, agree to hold full scale negotiations with no pre conditions on all aspects of their differences and each withdraw the threats made to date against the other side. The Korean War of 1950-1953 has never been ended and only a fragile armistice rmainsin place, as no final peaceful settlement has ever ben agreed. The Korean peninsula hovers on the brink of another even more destructive conflict than the war.  No country can indefinatly issue ultimatums to another country and then fail to carry out any form of miltary action in support of such ultimatum. The alternatives are either fight or face humiliation in the eyes of the world and lose any credibility in futre foreign policy adventures.
This is the stark reality when individuals are propled by one means or another,into positions of power, for which they are neither qualified nor capable of filling.
Leadersof countries are for the most part sane and rational people.Donald John Trump and Kim Jong-Un are palpable exceptions to this generality and we, the ordinary people of this small planet may yet have to pay the ultimate price.  


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