Owen Smith accuses Jeremy Corbyn of 'having never believed' in the EU
Whether Owen Smith likes it or not, the fact is that the British people, in a referendum on the 23rd June, delivered a vote to leave the European Union. To now constantly bang on about a second referendum or, even more naive, a General election on a one issue question, offers a simplistic sound bite to a complex question. Leaving the EU is not just a question of clearing the desk and leaving the building. Smith is fully aware of this and yet seeks to make personal capital with his simplistic, "we should have another referendum", an assertion which has now been repeated enough times to become a meaningless cliché. Much will depend on the terms negotiated between the United Kingdom and the EU (if such negotiations ever actually take place) in respect of the position which could exist after departing. Smith seeks another referendum. A referendum on what? Asking the same question without any clarification of the consequences involved may well only produce the same result. What would Smith propose then?
The must be negotiation on the exit "deal" to resolve many issues. Safeguarding workers rights, access to single market, Human rights provisions, health and safety legislation and much more, including the status of Scotland in any future arrangements. All these items must be fully understood and agreed before there can be any thought of another referendum. It may well be that after triggering "Article 50" of the European Treaty, and after the detail of the "Brexit" deal has been finalised, that the question could be asked as to whether the British people wish to confirm the decision to leave under the negotiated terms or whether they wish to remain. Smith should consider this and stop trying to score points with cheap, snide comments.
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