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Showing posts from July, 2016

Benefit sanctions reduce couple to stealing food. Benefits cuts left couple just £8-per-week to live on Paul and Kerry Barker In the 1st part of the 21st Century, a couple steal food from Tesco waste bins, because their benefits have been sanctioned and reduced to £8 per week. An event not uncommon in the United Kingdom in Austerity Britain. The conservative government and the ConDem Coalition government before them, are heaping pain and misery upon millions of ordinary people throughout this country and they are getting away with it. These 21st century Robber Barron’s are getting away with this and other vicious and vindictive measures because 172 members of the Parliamentary Labour Party are more intent with advancing their own personal positions and achieving their ambitions than they are with the hardships and privations of those people who the Labour party represent and who elected them only last year. They are fixat...

It is a question of Democracy.

West Dorset Constituency Labour Party refuse to hold endorsement meeting. Dorchester Branch members The West Dorset Constituency Labour Party have received numerous requests from members calling on the CLP to hold a "special meeting" as provided for under the instructions issued by the party National Executive Committee cancelling all Constituency and branch meetings .Various "ad-hoc" meetings of CLP party members have taken place within West Dorset Constituency, to discuss the endorsement of candidates in the current Labour Party Leadership election campaign, but it is fel t that the Constituency membership as a whole should be given the opportunity to express a collective view. The last response from the WDCLP was: "The Executive Committee of West Dorset CLP are overwhelmingly against holding a meeting, with only one EC member in favour. We will not therefore be submitting a nomination." As the question of candidates on the ballot pap...

The Hinkley Point C project should be abandoned Hinkley Point C in fresh doubt after government delays approval New Hinkley Point nuclear plant in doubt The government has delayed a final decision on the Hinkley Point power station until "the autumn at least". The announcement was made on the day that the contract with the French firm EDF, was due to be signed. Why, after all the euphoria of the past few days, has the government had this sudden attack of cold feet? Perhaps the fact that similar projects is Europe are running £billions over budget and at least 5 years behind schedule, has something to do with it. The new power station at Hinkley point was always a bad idea, with cost, project delays and questionable technology being three of the many reasons for not going ahead with the construction. Hinkley point is a bad idea and should be abandoned as soon as possible.

Former head of BHS enjoys the life of luxury while former employees and pensioners face a bleak future. Sir Philip Green having a whale of a time as BHS sinks. The totally unacceptable face of capitalism. A £571 million "hole" in BHS pension funds, 11,000 BHS workers facing the sack and this wretched man and his family enjoy a life of luxury in the South of France.  "Do you mind not looking at me like that, it's disturbing me," His appearance at the House of Commons Select Committee was a performance of arrogance, self satisfaction, greed, disrespect and complete indifference. We do not need to ask where all the money has gone. Green's lifestyle, his £100 million super yacht the latest addition to his fleet which already boasts, a speedboat, a helicopter and three yachts, as part of his transport collection, says everything about this loathsome man...

Elements within the Parliamentary Labour Party and within the National Executive attempt to stifle debate.

Allow the membership to take a view. Dorchester Branch members The West Dorset Constituency Labour Party, of which I am a member (Dorchester Branch), has again chosen not to hold a special meeting to discuss endorsement of one or other of the candidates in the forthcoming Labour Party leadership election. There now seems to be some debate if not controversy in Dorset, as the CLP management committee came to the same view prior to the leadership contest of last year. The following exchanges with the CLP, outline the extent of the controversy: "It is noted that the recent instructions from the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party, sent by e-mail to Chair and Secretaries by Isobel Laing, Regional Administrator, Labour South West has suspended Constituency Labour Party meetings together with Labour party branch meetings ", during the period of the Leadership election". It is further noted that the NEC instructions are qualified to exclude, ...

Orchestrated smears released on the hour. The PLP sink to new depths of desperation. The Parliamentary Labour Party resort to personal smear in their campaign to remove Corbyn, How much lower can the conspirators of the PLP stoop in their wretched campaign of hate and smear against Jeremy Corbyn?  Conor McGinn. "Corbyn threatened to ring my dad"  In a day which has seen the orchestrated release of "bullying" smears, the conspirators of the PLP have exceeded even their own duplicitous levels of treachery last seen with the hourly resignations from the Shadow cabinet just a few short weeks ago. Today however, their campaign of sedition to oust Jeremy Corbyn has become more sinister, as their own inte rpretation of "bullying" has resorted to attacks directed at the individual on a spiteful personal basis. Angela Eagle: "Corbyn allows a culture of bullying" ...

Owen Smith says "Austerity is right". The challenger offering more of the same. Owen Smith to face Corbyn in Labour leadership challenge Owen Smith Same old clichés, same old empty rhetoric. Owen Smith, former head of policy and government relations for Pfizer, former radio producer for BBC, former lobbyist (who voted against a statutory register of lobbyists when he became an MP) now seeks to become leader of the Labour Party. In this quest, he is supported by Benn, Eagle, Kinnock and others, who recognise him as another of their kind. The "suit" who will maintain the status quo within the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) and restore their position as the dominant clique leading the party. Not a Blairite as such, but as close as it is possible to get, while still maintaining the party line of "Unity", "Representing working people", "New generation to take party forward", "Helping people ...

Angela Eagle could face "deselection".

The first report in the mainstream media (Guardian, this morning) of a situation which has been common knowledge for over a week. Angela Eagle is in conflict with her Wallasey Constituency Party over her bid to challenge for the leadership of the Labour Party, and their overwhelming support Jeremy Corbyn the present leader.The first report in the mainstream media (Guardian, this morning) of a situation which has been common knowledge for over a week. Angela Eagle is in conflict with her Wallasey Constituency Party over her bid to challenge for the leadership of the Labour Party, and their overwhelming support Jeremy Corbyn the present leader. Angela Eagle is to launch her challenge for the Labour leadership, in a move which will anger many members of her Wallasey C onstituency party,  The first report in the mainstream media of a situation which has been common knowledge for over a week. Angela Eagle is in conflict with her W...

New Agenda on Sunday. is out! Edition of 10 July 2016 Good morning everyone. After a delay of some seven years, "The Chilcot Report" was finally published this week. The report told us nothing that we did not already know about the lies, deceit and glaring untruths which led to the invasion of Iraq and the deaths of 179 British service personnel and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children. The report was highly critical of Tony Blair's role, his secret "agreement" with George Bush, and his presentations to the House of Commons. Alastair Campbell must have read a copy with text different from everyone else and Lord Falconer demonstrated on Question Time (BBC 1 Thursday) that he too is in denial of reality. We have not heard the last of Chilcot as the fall out continues. (Footnote: Interesting how Saddam killed th ousand s of his own people and got invaded and yet Mugabe kills millions of his own people and no one says a wor d.) ...