Between now and the
elections in Greece in June, the attention of the media and pundits,
particularly in Europe, will be focused on the dire consequences
resulting from the exit of Greece from the Euro zone. These tactics
of spreading alarm and despondency through the pages of our
newspapers and the screens of our televisions, are a not very subtle
attempt to frighten the voters of Greece into electing those parties who support German
dictates of further austerity, and to convince the rest of us that
there is really no alternative to further cuts and reduction of
living standards. The truth is of course, rather different. Far and
away, the real beneficiaries of austerity are those individuals and
organisations who are making considerable amounts of money from the
sacrifices of others. Only the interests of Merkel and the Germans,
the IMF, the bankers of the Eurozone, the ECB and the speculators of
“the markets”, will be met by the continued existence of the
extended Eurozone, and the way to perpetuate this dinosaur of
economic dogma is to create fear of the consequences of dis
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