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Showing posts from April, 2017

Where is Theresa May? Theresa May hiding from public at activist-filled event Have you seen the Prime Minister who is begging for your votes in order to provide "strong and stable leadership" for the country? Apart from the few stage managed photo opportunity and sound bite meetings for the press and media, in the presence of a specially selected conservative party member only audience, the Prime Minister is conspicuously absent from the public arena. This is of course due to the indisputable fact that Theresa May does not do unrehearsed public interaction, which is why she is resisting the usual televised public debate, where her weakness for thinking on her feet without the assistance of "advisers" and "research aides" close by to whisper in the ear. Even at Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, she is very reliant on the ...

Theresa May pleads for votes as she says EU are "ganging up" on her. Prime Minister accuses EU members of "ganging up to oppose"’ Britain.  Theresa May bleating on like some spoilt child about the EU "ganging up" on her. So much for "strong and stable" leadership. She then appeals to Labour supporters to "lend" her their votes to strengthen her hand. The effrontery of this Prime Minister is breathtaking. May even lacks the honesty and integrity to be truthful about her motivations for seeking support from Labour voters.She begs for the votes of ordinary people to strengthen her hand to continue with the imposition of yet more austerity. She begs for votes to cut pensions and travel concessions for pensioners. She implores people to vote conservative to to continue the dismantling and privatisation of our NHS. She u...

Prime Minister refuses to rule out bypassing Parliament. MPs attack Boris Johnson's remarks about strikes against Assad Straight from his "mutton-headed old mugwump" personalised insult of yesterday, the tussle haired buffoon Boris Johnson blurts out his latest gaff of "Never mind the House of Commons, lets join the Americans and bomb Assad" . This comment has provoked a hostile response from all MP's on sides of the House as Johnson suggested UK could join US action in Syria without parliamentary approval. Criticism from all sides that is apart from Theresa May, who while not actually endorsing Johnson's remarks, failed on three separate occasions to answer questions on whether she would authorise airstrikes against the Syrian regime without parliamentary approval. This of course again emphasises how the Prime Minister is completely amenable to bypassing the Parliamentary processes and relyin...

The fantasies of the Prime Minister and her supporters in the media. Theresa May "a more popular leader than Thatcher or Blair" opinion poll reveals. As each day passes moving deeper into the election campaign,the rhetoric and exaggerated nonsense concerning the "popularity" of Theresa May and her "strong and stable" government becomes even more hysterical. BBC News and Sky Television News competing with each other and the national media, to provide the most headline grabbing "stories" of the conservative lead over the Labour party. Last nights coverage of the days events commencing with Prime Ministers Questions was no exception. Accurately reporting that the Prime Minister used the phrase "strong and stable government", more than 40 times during her responses to questions, many of which were planted on the conservative benches for just that purpose, coupled with the phra...

New Agenda on Sunday. is out! Edition of 23 April 2017 Good morning everyone There is to be a General election on June 8th, which will be news to anyone who has been anyone who has been away for the past week or so and out of touch with television or other media. There is also an election going on across the Channel where numerous candidates have been seeking to become President of the 5th Republic. All this of course is especially good news for the media, particularly for Sky News where Adam Boulton, Sophie Ridge, Fisal Islam et al can all rush around commuting between Paris and London and  telling everyone how important they are. On BBC, only slightly less hysterical with their coverage, Laura Kuenssberg, Andrew Marr, Andrew Neil, Victoria Derbyshire and of course Norman Smith are relishing in the limelight of  almost constant exposure to demonstrate their knowledge, insight and political bias. If only we had an impartial media, election coverage would be far less stressful. ...

Theresa May deceived by her apparent showing in the polls, Prime Minister May refuses to rule out tax rises under future Tory government. Theresa May has refused to rule out any increase to the standard rates of tax and National Insurance, increases which are invariably accompanied with cuts to Corporation tax, while at the same time she has refused to restate a commitment to the "Triple lock" annual increase to the State Pension. There have been rumbling from the conservative benches for more than 12 months, that the "Triple lock" should in fact be scrapped altogether along with concessionary fares, television licences and winter fuel payments S hadow Chancellor John McDonnell and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, at once condemned the Prime Minister's failure to rule out tax increases and the apparent abandonment of the "Triple Lock" on State Pensions and confirmed that the La...

May's cynical exercise in political opportunism GENERAL ELECTION JUNE 8th. Within 12 hours of Theresa May announcing that there would be a General Election on June 8th, both Sky News and BBC News 24 had launched into their "election coverage", with glaringly obvious bias towards the government preferred issue of making the election solely about "Brexit", and their own long running campaign to undermine and smear Jeremy Corbyn. It was particularly conspicuous in the nightly "Newspaper Preview" item, where both sets of Sky and BBC previewers contrived within a few minuets of the start of their comments managed to link how an election would in fact strengthen Theresa May's position in the "Brexit" negotiations and how some mostly unnamed Labour MP's were allegedly, already saying that they would not support the leadership and would campaign o...

We must fight the campaign on our agenda and not the negative agenda set by our opponents. GENERAL ELECTION JUNE 8th. Between now and polling day on June 8th, the television, media and the conservatives will concentrate their attacks on two issues. The first will be a totally negative attack on Jeremy Corbyn and the leadership of the Labour party. An attack which the media and their television allies have been waging against Labour for more than two years. The second line of their campaign will be a continuation of the "Brexit" issue where Theresa May and her conservative government are in real trouble on their own benches and in the Lords. Both these issues are but diversions attempting to deflect the public away from the real issues facing the country today and the effect that years of coalition and then conservative government has had on the lives of ordinary ...