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The vultures are circling.

The Premiership of Theresa May is nearing its end. 

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The Premiership of Theresa May is in terminal decline and rapidly approaching the end. Any credibility and authority that she may once if ever, have had, crumbles away almost by the hour, and her enemies within the cabinet and wider conservative party have not failed to recognise the
degradation. In much the same way as a pack of lionesses identify the weakest of a herd of Impala and then move in for the kill, conservative MP's are positioning themselves for a leadership challenge within weeks. One or even two stories of criticism and unease with the Prime Ministers leadership, would not necessarily produce speculation of Theresa May's demise, but the usually supportive media and political commentators are, almost unanimously, predicting that May will be gone before this summer. This morning, Grant Shapps the former Conservative Party Chair, is calling for Theresa May to set a timetable for her own departure, or others will set the dates for her. In this demand, Shapps is widely supported by many MP's, some of which have maintained a diplomatic silence on the question of leadership. That is silent until now.

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Theresa May's speech to a half empty room at The world Economic Forum in Davos, was seen by many commentators to be weak and hesitant with at least one posing the question "Is Theresa May actually incapable of making a meaningful speech?" and going on to add "It said absolutely nothing. In fact, you could argue that it said less than nothing". Since June of last year with the disterous result of the unnecessary General election, Theresa may has lurched from crisis to crisis, dragging her reluctant cabinet in all its iterations with her, but with the constant fixtures of Hammond, Johnson, Davis, Hunt, Leadsom  and others lurking behind her biding their time for the "right moment", but still managing to snipe at the leader without any fear of retribution for their disloyalty. On the backbenches too, there are those conservative MP's holding leadership ambitions, who now feel that the time is iminent for their positions to be revealed. 

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Image result for Raise your game in three months or face revolt.

The Conservative Party Conference with its pitiful speeches, not least of all Theresa May's herself, the Cabinet reshuffles that never were, the poor performances in the House of Commons, the "U Turns" of government policies have all added to the irresistible conclusion that the conservative party is in crisis and that the fault is essentially due to the Prime Minister's lack of leadership, her weakness and  total ineptitude for the tasks at hand.
The Conservative party recognise that they face political annihilation in May's local government election and the decline in party membership and contributions could effectively wipe them out as a political force. They clearly consider that a change in leadership could stem the reverses of the last 10 months and allow them to at least retain that which they already hold.
However, therein lies the problem. To change leaders under the present circumstances would produce a new leader without credibility or legitimacy. To appoint another leader who would not hold a mandate from the people of this country would undoubtedly create an overwhelming demand for a general election, a demand which the conservatives with their propped up "majority" in the commons would be unable to resist.
Those vultures in the ranks of conservative MP's and those in the greater part of the media and television will soon have their ambitions realised as they scramble to anoint another head to replace that of Theresa May. 
In the meantime, we should look forward to the prospect of a General election where we can replace this wretched government with a government to act in the interests of society rather than personal ambition. A government for the many not the few.


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