Johnson threatens to expel any Conservative MP's who oppose him.
As with all dictators following a coup, Bozo Boris Johnson, the leader of the Conservative party, now moves to crush any and all opposition to his tyrannical cabal. The threat to expel any Conservative MP who dares to vote against him and criticise his actions, is without precedent in our Parliamentary history.
Johnson, aided and abetted by the sinister Dominic Cummings, who has certainly encouraged if not proposed this authoritarian outrage, seeks to concentrate all power in himself and his executive, to the exclusion of Parliament and its elected members. This country is, at the moment, a Parliamentary democracy, but Johnson masquerading as the Prime Minister but voted into the office by only 94,000 Conservative party members, is seeking to establish a dictatorship in the United Kingdom where only his voice prevails and all people are subservient to his will and the actions of his cabal.
The moves against Conservative MP's is just a start in his quest to remove all opposition to his rule and establish a political regime in this country which is alien to the British way of life.There may be some Conservative MP's who will balk at the prospect of being expelled from their party and succumb to the intimidation from Downing Street , but hopefully there are enough who will retain the courage of their convictions and will put the interests of the country and democracy above their blind obedience to party whips.
These manoeuvrings of Johnson and Cummings must be resisted by people everywhere. Parliament MP's must take the lead in opposition to the executive. We must oppose and resist more moves towards an autocratic Great Britain and demonstrate in the workplace and on the streets or risk falling into a dark age where civil liberties and the democratic processes are removed by the state and all people live in fear of the central bureaucracy.
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