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The not very well hidden agenda

Labour leader sorry for pain caused by 'pockets' of anti-semitism. 

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There is clearly an "agenda" behind the current spate of media fuelled hysteria in connection with "anti semitism in the Labour party". It is acknowledged that there are a small number of individuals within the party who behave in a manner which can be described as anti semitic, but the leadership generally and Jeremy Corbyn in particular, have roundly condemned such behaviour and the culprits can be under no illusions as to the fact that antisemitism and racism in any form has no place within the Labour party. Corbyn has on numerous occasions, apologised for such behaviour within the party and condemned in unequivocal terms, antisemitism and racism in all its forms.
However, this has done nothing to assuage the torrents of abuse, criticism and belligerence, aimed it seems directly at Jeremy Corbyn, screaming from the front pages of the national press every day, and pouring out from our television screens on every news bulletin from BBC and Sky. In addition, the way in which certain elements within other organisations are whipping up hostility towards the Labour party leadership, notwithstanding the fact that many of their own members are opposed to such hostility and many are actually members of or have recently joined the Labour party, indicates some degree of orchestration by a few individuals, intent on destroying unity within the party and sabotaging our election prospects locally and nationally.

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Image result for corbyn demonstrating against antisemitism

A few Labour MP's, no doubt still smarting from Jeremy Corbyn achieving overwhelming victories in two Leadership elections, and still enjoying unassailable support from the ever increasing party membership, never the less continue with their endeavors to undermine, discredit and ultimately overthrow Corbyn and to replace him with one from their own number. In this quest they have employed any tactic, excuse or reasoning which they might muster and are no doubt encouraged by the lurid headlines emanating from the front pages of many national dailies, and from television which over recent months has branded Jeremy Corbyn as a traitor to the United Kingdom, a Communist Spy for Czechoslovakia, Terrorist sympathiser, a Stalinist, a liar and numerous other unsavoury and untrue ladels designed to smear and undermine his leadership. Now the latest and perhaps most despicable defamations are those of anti semitic and racist. These, leveled at the man who all his life has opposed racism in all its forms, for many years campaigned against the Apartheid regime of South Africa, opposed antisemitism and anti semitic organisations like the NF and BNP. A lifelong campaign against the obscenity and excesses of racial and religious intolerance, now overlooked by media and some party members intent on their own agenda and ambitions.
This campaign will no doubt continue against Corbyn but those responsible, who do not even have the backbone of their convictions to reveal their true intentions, will ultimately fail in their quest as the membership of the party are fully supportive of the leader and the British public are coming to realise that this offensive has little if anything to do with antisemitism, but everything to do with a few disgruntled people in the media and in Parliament, seeking to remove the elected leader and replace him with a malleable alternative.


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